The 3 Things You Absolutely Must Know About, Before Branding Your School Library
The Truth About School Library Advocacy
Today, I am talking about the latter, the boots, or super cute booties, on-the-ground librarians who are most likely doing advocacy work without even realizing it. Because, while we need those who are doing the legislative work at the national, state, and local levels, the Truth is that the most important library advocacy starts with changing the culture at the school level. And, that doesn’t happen when laws are changed, or new or additional funding streams are found, it happens from within. See, it’s not always about the money honey! The TRUTH is that the most important library advocacy starts with changing the culture at the school level! Why branding your school library matters
authorHi! I'm Sarah, a school librarian and former middle school English teacher. I empower school librarians to use branding and marketing skills in order to build culture, get visible and advocate for their library. Archives
February 2023